Architecture: Quarter Height Conexion Bohemia Roof Pieces
This was originally posted at MTS.  There are some new recolours for these here

I was trying to make a suitable roof over a bow window in a new house build (Lansbury House, which is forthcoming - that's it in the picture) but none of the Maxis roofs really work over bow windows - they look wrong and parts of them tend to stick into your bedrooms and they can make a hash of your lot imposters in neighbourhood view.

I went looking for alternatives and came across Whitewaterwood's half height AL roof deco- nice idea, but even these were too high and blocked the windows above them. Soooo, I had to make my own....

I took the original Maxis Conexion Bohemia Roof Pieces which came with AL and reduced them to a quarter of the height. It isn't just a straight shrink - bit more involved than that - the original 'frame' for the roofing is the same as the original, while the actual slope of the roof is the one that has come down to one quarter of the height. There were originally three meshes for the roofs and there are three new meshes at a quarter height just the same - a straight piece, an outer corner and an inner corner. There are three rar files available: in the first are the three meshes; then there are two types of recolour in the other files (see below), one for the frames and one for the surface of the tiling. Here's all three versions of the roofs together. 
Mine also fit pretty nicely around a stage which you can use on a flat roof.
You can find them in Build Mode>Architecture
Straight Piece $185
Outer Corner $187
Inner Corner $190

These new meshes are slaves to the original roof pieces and so any recolours you have of those will work with these. They had to be remapped which turned out to be something of a challenge (and I HATE mapping*). There are still some slight issues with the mapping of the textures which you can see if you look closely. In particular, in order to get the tiled recolours to work properly, the plate metal recolours have suffered a little, particularly when you place corner pieces together with others of the same type. With the outer corner, as you can see, the mid-point has no rivets (imagine it's been welded please), while the inner corner has two rows of rivets (a tricky spot, needs extra support). But, as you can see with the tiles, they work nicely together. 
*This is because the original EAxis texture has a mis-match fault in the tile pattern - you can see it in the picture of the original-size roof pieces with the tile pattern (below)

Mapping across pieces works just fine: 

Mesh Views
Here are 360 degree views of the meshes:

I also, while I was at it, made some recolours. First I recoloured the tiles and the metal sheeting. I have a tendency to think that I need recolours of things in all the primary colours (well, primary colours plus yellow). Hence I made tile recolours in green, blue, red and yellow and then metal sheet recolours in green, blue and red (there is already a 'striking' yellow recolour so I didn't bother with that. 
Then I made a couple of 'frame' recolours of sandstone and red sandstone (because I make a lot of sandstone buildings). 
And then, and I have no rational explanation for this, I just had to make a recolour that was a chevron wood pattern. I have no idea what that is about, I just had to do it and absurdly pleased with myself I am too. I made a wooden frame for that as well because the sandstone and concrete looked funny. Maybe you can make a shed with it. I dunno.
I got the original texture of the chevron wood design from Chewton Wood Design 

*distant sound of teeth grinding

Polygon Counts: Same as the original
Straight 60
Outer Corner 138
Inner Corner 138

Attached Files
.rar   max_QuarterHeightALRoofDecoConexion_MESHES.rar (Size: 21.55 KB / Downloads: 824)
.rar   max_QuarterHeightALRoofDecoConexion_RECOLFrames.rar (Size: 329.23 KB / Downloads: 765)
.rar   max_QuarterHeightALRoofDecoConexion_RECOLSurfaces.rar (Size: 427.16 KB / Downloads: 779)
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Architecture: Quarter Height Conexion Bohemia Roof Pieces - by maxon - 25-03-19, 04:34 PM

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